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How Letting Go and Letting GUS (God, Universe, Spirit) Radically Changed My Life

Writer: Love Your Now ComadreLove Your Now Comadre

Hola Familia! Lately, life has been a little on the tough side. A couple weeks ago I received some hard news. The "sh*t" life throws at us kind of news. And as per usual, I kept my smile. (I did cry a few times lol just not as bad as other times). I remained cool, calm, and collected while things around me a slowly shifting and ending. How do I remain cool, calm, and collected? I Let go and Let GUS. The magic of letting go is powerful. Letting go of what no longer serves us, what no longer aligns with us, is a radical act of self-love. This isn’t just a phrase I throw around lightly; it’s a truth that has shaped my entire spiritual healing journey.

For me, learning to let go and let GUS (God, Universe, Spirit) was one of the hardest lessons to absorb. It required me to release people, situations, emotions, the past, the future —everything I had no control over. And, spoiler alert: that’s everything. I’m going to share how my life began to transform once I truly embraced the magic of letting go.

My Journey of Letting Go

Letting go wasn’t easy for me, and I’m still learning. For a long time, I carried narratives that didn’t serve me—beliefs that kept me stuck in old patterns, unable to move forward. As a people-pleaser and codependent, I had developed a deep need for control. If something was going to affect me, I needed to have a say in it. If someone I loved was going through something, I wanted to be right there, steering the ship.

It took a lot of healing for me to realize that controlling everything wasn’t protecting me—it was draining me. And slowly, I started letting go. I let go of a marriage, toxic friendships, unhealthy family dynamics, and—perhaps most freeing of all—I let go of giving all my energy to things that were out of my hands.

Now, when I say, “I have zero fucks to give,” I mean it in the most profound way possible. I stopped stressing over things I can’t control—whether it’s my kids’ messy rooms or someone else’s behavior—and I trust in the guidance of my Higher Power. It wasn’t easy, it took and continues to take a lot of practice. I do admit tho, it is worth it.

I want to share that journey with you and offer the tools that helped me get here, starting with my recipe for letting go. This recipe comes straight from Module 9 in my Unlocking Your Inner Comadre program, and it’s a life-changer.

Recipe for Letting Go and Letting GUS

Now, this isn’t your typical recipe where things get done in 90 minutes or less. This is a recipe that you can let cook for days, weeks, months—even years if you need to. The process of letting go doesn’t come with a timeline, and that’s something I’ve learned firsthand. All in divine timing.

I want to share myself as an example; I began the process of letting go of my marriage in September 2022, and it wasn’t until May 2024 that I felt that final release. (But that’s a story for another blog!) I cooked that recipe for almost two years! Than I have some releasing recipes that are shorter. My most recent release was just a few weeks ago, and it took a couple of weeks to fully let go.

The point is: letting go, releasing, forgiving, getting over—whatever you want to call it—can take as long as it needs. But in my experience, these tools have helped me keep my sanity, even when life around me seemed to be falling apart. These tools have allowed me to walk through the discomfort and come out on the other side with a smile, both inside and out.


  1. Honesty: Begin by being brutally honest with yourself. What are you holding on to, and why? Is it serving you, or is it weighing you down? Sometimes, you’ve got to face the hardest truths before you can let go.

  2. Surrender: This is the heart of the recipe. Surrendering doesn’t mean giving up; it means releasing control and trusting that GUS (God, Universe, Spirit) has your back. Hand it over to your higher power. Repeat to yourself: “I let go and let ____. (God, Spirit, Source, Universe, Mother Mary, Higher Power, etc)” as many times as you need to.

  3. Boundaries: Setting clear boundaries for yourself and others is crucial. Whether it’s stepping away from relationships or situations that drain your energy, or just learning to say “no” more often, boundaries protect your peace.

  4. Self-Compassion: As you walk through the process of letting go, treat yourself with love and grace. Healing isn’t easy, and there will be moments of confusion, frustration, and pain. Be gentle with yourself. You’re doing the best you can.

  5. Support: Don’t go through this journey alone. Whether it’s turning to your spiritual community, seeking therapy, or just talking to a trusted friend, support is essential. (And remember, if you ever find yourself in a dark place, reach out to someone. You don’t have to carry the burden alone.)


  1. Ask yourself the hard questions: What am I holding onto? Why? Is it worth the energy I’m giving it? The answers might surprise you.

  2. Pray or Meditate: Whether it’s through prayer, meditation, or simply sitting in silence, ask GUS for guidance. Hand over the burdens you’re carrying and trust that what’s meant for you will find you.

  3. Release control: This is the tough part. When you feel the urge to step in and “fix” something, remind yourself to let go. This doesn’t mean you stop caring—it just means you stop draining your energy on things outside of your control.

  4. Keep coming back to self-compassion: When the process feels hard (and it will), come back to love and compassion for yourself. It’s okay to take your time. It’s okay to not have all the answers. Healing is a journey, not a destination.

  5. Celebrate every release: Each time you successfully let something go, celebrate it. Whether it’s a small win (like letting go of needing your kids to have perfectly clean rooms) or a big one (like releasing an unhealthy relationship), take the time to honor your progress.

Enjoy Your Nourishment

The journey of letting go and letting GUS is never-ending. It is one of the most powerful acts of healing you can offer yourself. You will cry, you will feel confused, and you might even hit some of your darkest moments. I’ve been there, and I want you to know that if you’re feeling lost or overwhelmed, you are not alone. Reach out. Find someone to talk to. There is light waiting for you on the other side.

And when you do finally start to release, be proud of the work you’ve done. GUS sees you, and so do I. Trust that your brighter days are coming, Familia. Keep walking through the discomfort, and remember that you’ve got GUS by your side every step of the way. I love you! I am sending you so much Fire & Butterflies! And Don't Forget, Love Your Now!

Comadre Cristal

Spiritual Life Coach


Ready to Let Go and Unlock Your Inner Comadre?

If you resonated with my story and feel the pull to start releasing what no longer serves you, I invite you to take the next step in your healing journey. Through my Unlocking Your Inner Comadre program, I’ll guide you in one-on-one coaching sessions or within our group masterclass to help you reclaim your power, embrace your inner wisdom, and step into the fullest version of yourself.

Whether you’re ready to book a private consultation or join the waitlist for the Masterclass Group, I am here to support you as you let go and let GUS. Click below to book your consultation or to join the Masterclass waitlist and start your journey to unlocking your inner comadre today!



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